Ayurvedic Immunity Boosting Herbs

by Admin 04 Aug 2023

Ayurvedic Immunity Boosting Herbs

It is time now for a complete revival!



When mother nature put us on this planet, she took care of everything for us - from food and water for nourishment to a plethora of herbs to protect us from diseases.

Ayurveda is born from the belief that mother nature has provided us with everything we need to treat various illnesses and live a healthy, active life.

As per Ayurveda, strong immunity is a result of better digestion, metabolism (agni), healthy liver functioning and a balance hormonal function. Immunity is related to Ojas which means vigour in Sanskrit.

There are a whole lot of holistic ayurvedic formulations available that can cleanse the Ama, provide nourishment, lubricate and reinstate the balance. This process bolsters immunity and shields the body against infections.

Ayurvedic formulations are available in capsules, tablets, tonic and supplements possesses immune-boosting properties which can be taken to promote overall health and well-being.


Activate your Immune System, through these Simple, yet

powerful flowers and herbs.

1 Ashwagandha


Most known herb, ashwagandha, has great benefits in boosting your immunity. Its health benefits also include reduction in inflammation, reduces stress and anxiety, improves mood, memory and blood sugar level.

The antioxidant properties of ashwagandha helps reduce damage of cells and increase natural killer cell activity. Research also shows that ashwagandha improves muscle mass and reduces body fat.

Brahma Kamal


Named after the God of creation, these extremely rare, sacred blooms are so beautiful adding décor to our homes, even as they spread their medicinal fragrance all around.

These flowers, that bloom during mid-monsoon are the best home-grown replacement for your paracetamol and is so potent to act on common cold, cough and fever or even to relieve you of your intestinal or urogenital disorders. A tea made of a few petals would rid you of infections, boosting your immunity naturally.

 Shanka pushpi


Shankapushpi or Aparajitha is a traditional herbal remedy that blesses us with umpteen health benefits. It is a great anti-oxidant and helps remove the toxins from our body.

As per traditional system of medicine, this herb is considered as a promoter of life span, strength, memory capacity, concentration and intellect. 

It holds high significance in treating 

Mental fatigue, 



High blood pressure and depression. 

Arthritis and rheumatic pain

An extract of this herb can be consumed with warm milk.



Ginger, an herb native to us, very commonly used in our kitchens, is replete with multiple medicinal properties and benefits. These ginger roots, that can be easily grown in our home garden, is protective and has a lot of healing powers. It heals our gut, regulates our digestive system and is very effective for curing respiratory disorders. Ginger juice with a few drops of lemon and honey every morning would keep the common cold and after effects of weather changes at bay. It keeps you light, fresh and active all through the day.



Pippali or the Indian Long pepper is a unique aromatic herb that is used in various ayurvedic medicines. It is useful for curing indigestion, asthma, cough, fever and other respiratory diseases. It also improves appetite.

Known as a "Tridoshic" herb, it is suitable for all body types. A concoction made from this herb offers immediate relief from respiratory and digestive disorders; and helps strengthen the immune system.

Tulsi Leaves

All of us know how common Tulsi is at home. While it smells great, it is amazing for your immunity too. It is constituted with anti-inflammatory, antidepressant and anti-anxiety  properties.


It helps in  lowering the risks of heart diseases and arthritis, lowers blood sugar  and cholesterol, and reduces joint pains. It enhances your immunity and fights off flu, cough and cold.[6]

Neem Leaves


Neem leaves majorly helps bring down your body temperature by cooling internally. They are composed with anti-bacterial and anti-fungal properties which help improve your immune system.

They are a good source for skin and clear the impurities from the blood leaving a strengthened immune system.

NOTE: The information in this article is intended for your educational use only and is not a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health providers with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition and before undertaking any diet, supplement, fitness, or other health programs.